Previous Albrecht Lectures

Spring 2024

Steven Boxer, Stanford University

  • April 25: Electric Fields and Catalysis Probed by the Vibrational Start Effect: A Foundational Concept in Chemical Reactivity. 

Spring 2023

Xiaowei Zhuang, Harvard University

  • May 8: Spatially Resolved Single-Cell Genomics & Cell Atlas of the Brain

Spring 2022

Martin Head-Gordon, University of California, Berkeley

  • April 18: First Principles Modeling of Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis and Corrosion: What Can Theory Tell Us? 

Fall 2018

Mark Tuckerman, New York University

  • October 18: Statistical Mechanics and Machine Learning as Routes to Exploring Structure and Phase Behavior in Atomic and Molecular Crystals

Spring 2018

Carlos Bustamante, University of California, Berkeley

  • April 26: Division of Labor among the Subunits of a Highly Coordinated Ring ATPase

Spring 2017

George Shatz, Northwestern University

  • March 13: Self-Assembled Plasmonic Structures

Spring 2016

W.E. Moerner, Stanford University

  • April 14: The Story of Single Molecules, from Early Spectroscopy in Solids, to Superresolution Microscopy Inside Cells, to Single Biomolecule Dynamics

Spring 2015

Birgitta Whaley, University of California, Berkeley

  • April 9: What Role does Quantum Mechanics Play in Biology?

Spring 2014

X. Sunney Xie, Harvard University

  • March 24: Label Free Vibrational Imaging for Biology and Medicine

Spring 2013

Todd J. Martinez, Stanford University

  • March 28: Controlling Chemistry with Light and Force

Fall 2011

Richard J. Saykally, University of California, Berkeley

  • September 19: Selective Adsorption of Ions to Aqueous Interfaces and its Effects on Evaporation Rates

Spring 2011

Shaul Mukamel, University of California, Irvine

  • April 14: Coherent Multidimensional Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Biological Complexes: From NMR to X-rays

Spring 2009

Edward I. Solomon, Stanford University

  • April 6: Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry: Blue to Green to Red Copper Sites

Spring 2008

Richard A. Mathies, University of California,  Berkeley

  • April 17: Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Fall 2006

Eric Heller, Harvard University

  • October 20: Signatures of Dynamics in Molecular Spectra