
Required Major Courses

Beginning with the class of 2028, students will need 60 approved credits to complete the major. The class of 2025, 2026, and 2027 need 57 approved credits to complete the major.

General Chemistry

CHEM 2070 and CHEM 2080 or CHEM 2150*
*Admission to CHEM 2150 requires a 5 on the Chemistry Advanced Placement Exam, a 6 or 7 on the International Baccalaureate Chemistry Exam, or permission of instructor.

Organic Chemistry

CHEM 3570 and CHEM 3580 or CHEM 3590 and CHEM 3600
Either sequence can be taken for the honors curriculum.

Physical Chemistry

CHEM 3870 and CHEM 3880* or CHEM 3890 and CHEM 3900
Students  planning for graduate study and/or a career in chemistry are advised to take CHEM 3890+3900. Students interested in chemistry-related fields are advised to take CHEM 3870+3880 or CHEM 3890+3900. CHEM 3890+3900 is required for the honors curriculum. Students taking CHEM 3890+3900 are required to take one semester of Multivariable Calculus or Linear Algebra (MATH 1920, MATH 2130, MATH 2220, MATH 2210, MATH 2310, MATH 2940).

*Beginning with the class of 2028, students will need to complete CHEM 3870 + CHEM 3880 or CHEM 3890 + CHEM 3900  to satisfy the physical chemistry requirement. The class of 2025, 2026, and 2027 may continue to take CHEM 3870 as a one-semester course that satisfies the physical chemistry requirement.

Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 4100

Core Laboratories

CHEM 2510 (organic) and CHEM 2900 or CHEM 3030 (physical)
Students planning for graduate study or a career in chemistry  are advised to take CHEM 3030. CHEM 3030 is required for the honors curriculum. See Lab Requirement below.


MATH 1110 and MATH 1120 or 4 AP credits and MATH 1910
AP credit may be used to substitute one or more of the courses listed above.


PHYS 2207 + PHYS 2208 or PHYS 1112 + PHYS 2213 or PHYS 1116 + PHYS 2217
AP credit may be used to substitute one or more of the courses listed above. The PHYS 1101-1102 sequence is NOT acceptable for the chemistry major at Cornell.

Laboratory Requirement

A total of eight (8) laboratory credits is required for completion of the major.

The laboratory requirement can be satisfied by taking the core organic and physical laboratories + additional approved laboratory elective courses, such as CHEM 3010 or CHEM 3020.

Independent research credit does NOT count toward completion of the laboratory requirement.

The honors curriculum requires CHEM 3010 and CHEM 3020 and CHEM 3030. This sequence is recommended for students planning for a career and/or graduate study in chemistry.


There is no minimum number of elective credits needed to complete the chemistry major at Cornell. However, students regularly take electives to diversify their education, meet the requirements of the honors curriculum, and to satisfy the total number of credits required to complete the program. Click here for a list of currently approved electives.


Biological Focus Curriculum

First Year

Fall Semester

  • CHEM 2070: General Chemistry I
  • MATH 1110*: Calculus I

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 2080: General Chemistry II
  • MATH 1120*: Calculus II

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester

  • CHEM 3570: Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM 2510: Introduction to Organic Lab
  • PHYS 2207*: General Physics I

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 3580: Organic Chemistry II
  • CHEM 3010*: Synthetic Chemistry Lab or 4 credit Elective Lab
  • PHYS 2208*: General Physics II

Junior Year

Fall Semester

  • CHEM 3870: Principles of Physical Chemistry
  • Elective
  • Elective

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 2900*: Physical Chemistry Laboratory
  • CHEM 3880: Basics of Biophysical Chemistry
  • Elective
  • Elective

Senior Year

Fall Semester

  • Elective

Spring Semester

  • Chemistry 4100: Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chemistry 4980*: Honors Seminar
  • Elective

*Please note the following about the above content:

  • Possible sequences for the chemistry elective lab: CHEM 2900 + CHEM 3010 + Other Lab or CHEM 2900 + CHEM 3010 + CHEM 3020.
  • Possible sequences for math: MATH 1110 and MATH 1120 or MATH 1120 and AP Calculus Credit or MATH 1910 and AP Calculus Credit.
  • Possible sequences for physics: PHYS 2207 and PHYS 2208 or PHYS 1112 and PHYS 2213 or PHYS 1116 and PHYS 2217.
  • Prior research is needed for enrollment in CHEM 4980 until December 2026. While CHEM 4980 is currently an optional seminar, it is required for the Research Latin Honors Degree.
  • A maximum of four (4) elective research credits (e.g. CHEM 4610) can be counted toward completion of the major.


Physical Focus Curriculum

First Year

Fall Semester

  • CHEM 2070: General Chemistry I
  • MATH 1110*: Calculus I

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 2080: General Chemistry II
  • MATH 1120*: Calculus II

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester

  • CHEM 3570: Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM 2510: Introduction to Organic Lab
  • PHYS 1112*: General Physics I

Spring Semester

  • PHYS 2213*: General Physics II
  • CHEM 3580: Organic Chemistry II
  • MATH 1920 or MATH 2220

Junior Year

Fall Semester

  • CHEM 3890: Quantum Mechanics
  • CHEM 3020: Physical/Analytical Lab I
  • Elective

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 3900: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics
  • CHEM 3030: Physical/Analytical Lab II
  • CHEM 4100: Inorganic Chemistry or Elective

Senior Year

Fall Semester

  • Elective

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 4980*: Honors Seminar
  • Elective or CHEM 4100: Inorganic Chemistry


*Please note the following about the above content:

  • Possible sequences for the chemistry elective lab: CHEM 2900 + CHEM 3010 + Other Lab or CHEM 2900 + CHEM 3010 + CHEM 3020.
  • Possible sequences for math: MATH 1110 and MATH 1120 or MATH 1120 and AP Calculus Credit or MATH 1910 and AP Calculus Credit.
  • Possible sequences for physics: PHYS 2207 and PHYS 2208 or PHYS 1112 and PHYS 2213 or PHYS 1116 and PHYS 2217.
  • Prior research is needed for enrollment in CHEM 4980 until December 2026. While CHEM 4980 is currently an optional seminar, it is required for the Research Latin Honors Degree.
  • A maximum of four (4) elective research credits (e.g. CHEM 4610) can be counted toward completion of the major.

Honors Curriculum

Semester Accelerated Sequence Standard Sequence
First Year    
Fall Chem 2150: Honors Gen Chem Chem 2070: Gen Chem
Spring Chem 3590: Honors Org Chem
Chem 2510:  Org Chem Lab (or following Fall)
Chem 2080: Gen Chem


Sophomore Year    
Fall  Chem 3600: Honors Org Chem Chem 3570: Org Chem
Chem 2510: Org Chem Lab
Spring Chem 4100: Inorganic Chem
Chem 3010: Honors Org Chem Lab
Chem 3580: Org Chem
Chem 3010: Honors Org Chem Lab
Junior Year    
Fall Chem 3890*: Honors Phys Chem
Chem 3020: Honors Analytical Lab
Chem 3890*: Honors Phys Chem
Chem 3020: Honors Analytical Lab

Chem 3900: Honors Phys Chem
Chem 3030: Honors Phys Chem Lab

Chem 3900: Honors Phys Chem
Chem 3030: Honors Phys Chem Lab
Chem 4100: Inorganic Chem (or spring of senior year )
Senior Year    
Fall Elective Elective

CHEM 4980: Honors Capstone (for students graduating Dec '26 and beyond)

Chem 4100: Inorganic Chem (if needed)

Chem 4980: Honors Capstone (for students graduating Dec '26 and beyond)

*The CHEM 3890 + 3900 honors sequence has a one-semester multivariable calculus prerequisite. Students usually take MATH 1920, MATH 2130, or MATH 2220. Thus, one of these MATH courses is required for successful completion of the honors curriculum.
