M.S. Program

Program Description

The Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology (C&CB) at Cornell University has initiated a program leading to a Master of Science (M.S.) degree. Students with interests in all subfields of Chemistry (e.g., Analytical, Biological, Inorganic, Organic, Materials, Physical, and Theoretical) are invited to apply and the teaching/research facilities of Cornell University will be used to design a personalized graduate program.

The department anticipates that most participants in the M.S. program will have undergraduate degrees in Chemistry or a closely related field, and so the program will provide an opportunity to refresh and upgrade skills relevant to the molecular sciences. As the M.S. program is individually tailored to the needs of each applicant, it should also be of interest to students who are seeking to fill in gaps in their educational backgrounds prior to advanced studies in Chemistry, Medicine, or other areas related to the Physical Sciences and Engineering. This graduate program will also be advantageous to members of the community seeking to learn modern techniques of the chemical and materials world by gaining access to the state-of-the-art instruments and facilities at Cornell.

M.S. Coursework

The M.S. program consists of 30 graduate credit hours which, in favorable cases, may be completed over a single academic year including summer research. As the academic backgrounds and personal/professional goals of each student will differ, we anticipate significant diversity in the programs of study in the M.S. degree. Therefore, we do not prescribe a rigid set of courses as prerequisites or requirements, though we would ordinarily anticipate that the majority of the credits are taken in chemistry and related subjects at suitably high levels. Your program of study will be adapted to your individual interests and needs in consultation with the M.S. Graduate Program Director and will likely include coursework selected from across Cornell’s campus.

The M.S. program is designed for those who wish to obtain further education in the field of chemical sciences broadly understood, and to develop their ability for critical inquiry, independent research, and teaching. Research-degree students are expected to give evidence of mature purpose by initiating and pursuing their own programs; as such the award of the MS degree is contingent upon the completion of a master’s research project documented through the preparation of an archivable document presented to the student’s special committee and to the Graduate School.  In the fall of the first year it is expected that each student will be enrolled in Chem 5110, which provides an introduction to the vast world of tools and opportunities for chemical research, found in both our department, and across the campus.

The program will require a minimum of a single academic year in residence, though there can be no guarantee that all admitted students will progress at the same rate.

Applying to the M.S. Program

Admission to the M.S. program is distinct from admission to the Ph.D. program. Enrollment in the M.S. program in C&CB neither precludes a subsequent application to the Ph.D. program, nor does it serve as an alternate pathway into that program. Applications for admission to the M.S. program commencing in Fall 2023 will be reviewed beginning January 1, 2025 and will continue on a rolling basis through June 15, 2025.

Tuition is set by Cornell University and is currently $29,500 AY. Tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year will be finalized in February 2023. In addition, each student is required to have adequate medical insurance. The plan offered by Cornell currently costs $4,378. If you have coverage from a US-based plan you may be exempt from purchasing the Cornell plan, for details see the student health benefits website. C&CB cannot offer direct financial support to M.S. students and we do not anticipate the availability of tuition waivers for this program.

Students wishing to pursue the M.S. degree in C&CB should apply directly to the Field of Chemistry & Chemical Biology through the Graduate School at Cornell University. The Cornell University Graduate School website provides information about general requirements as well as requirements specific to international students. Please visit the following links for further details regarding the C&CB graduate program as well as the application form (which includes a course record form).
